Recently, I watched a video titled "Heresies" put out by Pastor Mike Greer's YouTube channel, mgreer511002. While I am familiar with the teachings of Hyper-Dispensationalism, I was quite rudely taken aback by some of the musings that were perpetuated in that video. The error and heresy I heard went way and beyond blasphemy.
Hyper-Dispensationalism is anti-EVERYTHING they actually are. They are Humanists, they are Arminians, they are Universalists, they are anti-Scripture, leaning ONLY on the Pauline epistles for their doctrine. They do not believe God is Sovereign, they are free will advocates as well as Common Grace advocates. They are rabidly dispensational in their eschatology. They believe that the "Grace Era" will end with the Rapture, and the Tribulation "saints" will only be saved if they endure to the end, thus nullifying the saving work of Christ on the cross for a certain group of people. This makes a mockery of Acts 4:12, which states that there is NO other name under heaven, given among men by which we must be saved. They do not agree amongst themselves which of the three Acts Dispensations they hold to, be it Acts 2 Dispensationalists, Mid-Acts dispensationalists or Acts 28 Dispensationalists. The can and do disagree vehemently with one another on many of their dogmas.
Finally, many of them also deny the Genesis 1 account of Creation. They insist on calling themselves "Old Earth Creationists". This makes a mockery of God's infallible revelation that HE created the heavens and the earth. God did NOT leave that issue open to discussion. He says quite clearly in His infallible word, that HE spoke the universe into existence, and it is HIS word which maintains it in it's present state. God is also very clear on the issue, that HE created the universe in SIX LITERAL DAYS. On the 7th Day, God rested and called it holy. JediMan672 is a particularly avid proliferator of Old Earth Creationism.
They prefer to call themselves "Grace Believers", and I will admit that these people do get it right to a degree when it comes to the Gospel. They are of the few who do actually attempt to preach the Gospel of Grace, however, their surrounding doctrine is so far off that they often make the precious gospel of non-effect.
Regarding their Gospel preaching though, it HAS to be said that most of them preach a humanist, faith/works Gospel. This, I find, is because they do NOT understand who 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 is actually written to. Because of this, they will preach "believe", "receive", and "trust" (which are verbs/actions) as PART of their gospel presentation. This is a serious error, known as the Galatian heresy and is condemned by Paul in Galatians 1:8-9.
I will post a link to Mike Greer's original video in this description box, so that you may watch the 28 minute sermon at your leisure. I could only pick out a few errors in the time allotted to me to make this video. I have tried to deal with the worst ones I came across, but I had to ditch many others. Hyper-Dispensationalism is a massive error. The problem is where to start with this teaching. It would take, literally years of study and writing to correct ALL the error they hold to and teach. It is very, very difficult to teach these people anything. They think they are the Elite - seriously. If you have a Hyper-D friend, the only thing I would suggest, if your friend will allow it, it to try to show them their error with Scripture and PRAY for them
Super-Elitism on display:
FreedomMountain(2 months ago)
"I will brotha, I don't know if they get into it, most of my friends are not diverse like I am , I just am thankful to be your friend *****, and that you are a friendly person, have you ever heard a preacher liek me?LOL, rare, I am a pretty cool broad minded person LOL."
To see the original video for your perusal, please go here:
For a refutation of the heresy of Hyper-Dispensationalism, please go here:
An excellent YouTube series of videos, put out by user Tim (kjvonly01) on Hyper-Dispensationalism can be found by following these links. I have placed them in order to be played:
YouTube user RedBeetle - Monty Lloyd Collier, has an excellent video on the heresy of Hyper-D proponent Brandon Kraft A.K.A. "Darth Gill".
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